Marketing Internship

Marketing INTERNSHIP – Opportunities

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We are happy to announce that we have started the process for hiring campus INTERNSHIPS   to up-skill fresher’s to make them industry ready.


For this purpose we need some highly dedicated individual who will be working with us as



Purpose of  INTERNSHIP :

  • Its not a job or Position, rather a platform to get connect to Industrial or Corporate forums and develop yourself, also to avail lots of benefits, from VQMSTM
  • Before applying Please get connect to all the social media links of VQMS.


  1. Eligibility for INTERNS : Pursuing Graduation / PG

Duration :  2-6 mths

  1. Full Time 2mths , Office Based , 8 hrs per day
  2. Part Time 4 hrs per day / 4 mths (Professioal Certifications)


Other Internships: HR / Mkt / Sales / Finance / Operations / Tie-ups /IT – Web … more


Benefits of Becoming INTERNS:

  • Enormous Cash Incentives, 
  • Certificate towards Best Performer towards achievements  
  • Stipend – Based on productivity :
  • Certificate of being a MARKETING INTERNS
  • Trophy with Organization Seal … for achievers
  • Personalized LinkedIn recommendation for achievers
  • Scholarship worth INR 10-30K  mrp for productive students
  • Referral rewards towards Leads generations
  • Opportunity to be part of Team to conduct Interviews during Placement Drives .
  • Regular Guidance from our Industrial mentors / Directors.
  • Improvise your Professional CV
  • All the benefits are subjected to completion of the program Successfully


Roles and Responsibilities of a INTERNs:

  • Industrial & Corporate working
  • Corporate proposal Sending
  • Follow up with Industries
  • Lead or Client Generation
  • To work under the guidance and supervision of VQMS Sr. Managementand follow the instruct
  • Industrial coordination, Communication, Interaction, proposal sending
  • Manage team to support marketing, registrations and operations
  • Clear the doubts of the students and collect registrations for skill development webinars.
  • Contribute towards functioning by providing innovative ideas and strategies.


So don’t be late to grab this opportunity. Connect with VQMSTM  and showcase your skills.


Note : Students who feel, to deliver with 100% effort & dedication, and focused attention, and learning aptitude,  should only apply at [email protected] with CV,  Photo, Aadhar ID/Voter ID / DL – Address Proof & College ID